Honyaku Center Inc.

Free Quote

Please feel free to make an inquiry or request a free quotation for our services by filling out the below form. We will respond to most requests within one working day.

Please do not hesitate to try us even if you already have offers from other translation companies.

  • Step 1 Select location and enter request details
  • Step 2 Confirm details
  • Step 3 Complete
  • Step 1 Select location and enter request details
  • Step 2 Confirm details
  • Step 3 Complete

Select a location


Select the one of our three international hubs
below that best fits your location and service needs

HC Language Solutions


  • +1-650-312-1239
  • Subsidiary company
  • English and Japanese language customer service for clients based in North and South America and western Europe

Please fill in the details of your request below

selected location


Entity type
Company or
Institution name
Job Title
Website URL
Request details
Source Language
Target Language
Project Information

Information Sharing Policy


Depending on the type of request, information may be shared with one or more of our group companies listed below in order to serve you best. Please be informed that information is only shared as necessary, only with group companies, and you may be contacted directly by a group company who can best respond to your request.

[ Honyaku Center Inc. Group Companies ]

HC Languages Solutions, Inc.
Media Research, Inc.
Fukuyama Industrial Translation Center, Ltd.

If you agree to the terms of our information sharing policy above, please click “Accept” below to proceed.
For further information on personal information handling, please see our Privacy Policy.

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